President’s Message

My Dear Fellow Rotarians,


Never did I imagine being elected as a virtually inducted President in taking leadership roles during these unusual and difficult times which will go down in history. This worldwide pandemic has isolated us in our homes, brought on a mask culture, kept children out of schools, brought on completely a new way of doing business, fellowship, etc. It has also caused a lot of financial distress with many individuals and Communities along with the mental anguish of not able to meet up, shake hands, hug, and generally working isolated. 
It’s also an exciting time to be the President of a growing club. Our club Rotary Club of Cosmopolitan Ahmedabad has been gathering momentum in the last few years in many areas of Community service and it’s greatly encouraging to see that leaders are emerging and more and more members are taking up leadership roles. any act of service, big or small, creates opportunities for people & communities who need help and hand-holding in this pandemic time. Every activity we do towards this goal opens up opportunities for someone else, somewhere. 
As Rotarians, we learned new skills and doing projects in new ways. It’s very encouraging that even during these changing times, our club Rotary Club of Cosmopolitan Ahmedabad could execute few projects, and I am very proud of these achievements and kudos to the club members who played a pivotal role in the last many months. 
Every member of our club actually challenges us positively and bring’s in new perspective and experience. Our focus this year remains on consolidating existing flagship & long term projects and nurture more women leaders and Rotaracts. We must let Rotaracts decide, what experience of our mother club Rotary Club of Cosmopolitan Ahmedabad works best for them . These young minds are bright, energetic, and get things done, let’s consolidate them better this year on our Projects.
We will work towards the core values and objectives of Rotary International and be flexible and adaptive to the challenges of COVID times. Our club is a diverse group of committed individuals coming together to impact communities by effecting a positive change through service and philanthropy. This wonderful organization Rotary also provides a framework for Personal/Business relations networking and fellowship. 
As I write these lines, we have slipped into the new year 2021. 
& On the New Year, 2021, the rule is always to look ahead .
Wishing you and your family, Health, Happiness, and all the good things in life. May you reach your destination and your journey would be wonderful. 
On this note, I Pledge to work closely with our Board & Committees to expand and consolidate our projects in all areas.  
Lastly, It would be remiss if I did not thank and express my deep gratitude to the Past Presidents and the leadership team/board for creating a wonderful platform for a  a high level of community service which is the essence of our organisation .


Yours in Rotary,


Dr Soumitra Banerjee